RW Armstrong ( RWA ), International Engineering Firm - project details

CLIENT // Abu Dhabi Investment House

CONSTRUCTION COST // $ 20.43 million
AED 75 million


RW ARMSTRONG ROLE // Design consultant, project management and site supervision.

DETAILS // Single story pharmaceutical factory designed to meet 1 Pearl Estidama

WELLPHARMA Pharmaceutical FACTORY Mussafah ICAD, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Wellpharma is a pharmaceutical factory for the development and operation of IV (intravenous or intramuscular) solutions for medical treatments.   
RW Armstrong was appointed as the design, site supervision and project management consultant, and led the project with efficiency and quality from its initial design phase until the construction substantial completion. RW Armstrong developed all the design-related disciplines including: architectural, structural, MEP, grey utilities, civil and infrastructure, sustainability, signage and way-finding, specialty lighting, landscape.
The architectural inspiration portrays the modern streamlined image of the Wellpharma production process, offering transparency, sophistication and precision. At night, its inherent glow from the inner workings of the factory provides a progressive impression to the exterior. The planar, segmented walls at the site perimeter offer framed glimpses inward toward the factory while maintaining a secure but contextually softer image as a contrast to the architecture.
The project was designed to exceed 1 Pearl Estidama rating. Irrigation utilizes recycled process water to provide a green oasis within the industrial park landscape. The seamless and compatible interface of pharmaceutical equipment with interior spaces is important to the success of the design and was one of the goals the team.