RW Armstrong ( RWA ), International Engineering Firm - project details

CLIENT // Transportation Project Board (TPB)

CONSTRUCTION COST // $ 185 million
AED 712 million


RW ARMSTRONG ROLE // Design review, project management and supervision services.

DETAILS // A new airport terminal in the south region of North Africa.


RW Armstrong provided design review and supervision services for Lafraq airport terminal project. This project consisted of five individual terminals strategically distributed along the North African territory in an effort to link the country’s most remote areas in the south and improving the connectivity and transportation infrastructure along the Mediterranean stream of populated towns.  

This project presented many challenges in the construction logistics, especially the southern terminals where there is little infrastructure and availability of materials and manpower thus relaying in practical and innovative methods of construction. Nevertheless, the terminals have been designed to the highest standards and state-of-the-art technology to cater for international and local passengers.